Saturday, November 04, 2006

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt Legally and Ethically

With the increasing amount of credit card debt, the question now is how to eliminate credit card debt legally and ethically. As the situation stands today, in a majority of cases credit cards have been misused rather than used judiciously. The power to spend even when people do not have the money at their disposal has placed them under heavy credit card debt. The sooner you prepare a debt elimination strategy, the better it is.

Many professional services on debt consolidation are available in the Internet. Check out these links to find out more about them: --------------

Legal Credit Card Debt Elimination

Study all your debts before working out a legal credit card debt elimination process. You could opt from debt consolidation loans, debt consolidation, debt negotiation, debt management, debt settlement and more to make your debts more manageable. You can select any or a combination of the techniques to work out a workable debt elimination strategy.

A debt consolidation loan is among the most popular debt elimination plans. You can have all your debts consolidated under one account by paying off your various creditors. An affordable monthly payment is fixed and the interest rate is generally lower than what you have been paying on several loans. Debt consolidation loan is a preferred legal credit card debt elimination option.

Debt negotiation is a quick way to legally and ethically reduce credit card debts and other personal loans. When you negotiate a debt, your debt is reduced by around half or even more. It is used as a last resort, as the lender is not very keen on reconciliation. Debt negotiation needs to be handled rather carefully to arrive at a consensus.

Debt Elimination Tips

Here are some debt elimination tips to help you work out a debt elimination strategy.

1. The ideal way to eliminate your debt effectively is to stop using your credit cards. Remove all your credit cards from your wallet except the one with the lowest interest rate. Make sure that your use the card only in emergencies.

2. Transfer several of your credit card debts under one card with the lowest interest rate. This will reduce your interest rate and allow you better control of your credit card debt.

3. You may focus on the credit card debt with the highest interest rate and pay it off first. Then, focus on the next higher interest rate card and so on until you eliminate the debts.

4. You may opt for debt consolidation as your debt elimination strategy using the equity in your home. This will help lower the interest rate and make your monthly repayment affordable.

If you are resolute enough to eliminate your debts, the debt elimination strategy on the above lines will go a long way to help you and reduce or eliminate your debts.

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